Well. well. Bester is back. You know that’s never good. And just when the Alliance was celebrating saving the universe.
All posts by Shannon Sudderth
Earhart’s: “Epiphanies” Spoiler Space
Okay, okay, the biggest threat to the known universe is gone and we can all take a breath now, right?
No, now the other dozen things we’ve been putting off are now clamoring for our attention and those stakes are suddenly much higher.
Talk about all the dozen other things that are coming here.
Zocalo: Spoiler-Free Discussion of “Into the Fire”
And thus an interstellar war ended with a bang and then…a whimper? And we’re left to wonder just whether that satisfied and what comes next. Talk about this episode and events leading up to it here.
Earhart’s: “Into the Fire” Spoiler Space
Our first-time viewers are scratching their heads and asking, “What’s next?”
We know what’s next. And we can talk about it all here.
Zocalo: Spoiler-free Discussion of “Z’ha’dum”
To quote Chip in the episode: “Third season finale spectacular!”
What did you think about having such a massive cliffhanger for ending a season, especially given that at the time the next season was not guaranteed? What worked for you? What didn’t? Pull apart this episode and everything that has led us here in this space.
Earhart’s: “Z’ha’dum” Spoiler Space
“If you go to Z’ha’dum, you will die.”
And take a lot of Shadows with him in the process?
Here is where we get to talk about everything that happens next.
Zocalo: Spoiler-free Discussion of “Shadow Dancing”
In the way of J. Michael Straczynski, just as things seemed to be coming together and there was room for cautious hope…
someone arrived to upset some apple carts.
Talk about “Shadow Dancing” and previous episodes here!
Earhart’s: “Shadow Dancing” Spoiler Space
Anna’s back and just how much is Sheridan’s life going to turn upside down? Now that the League has started something, can they keep it together? And how long before Ivanova picks up the Minbari language? Talk about future events here!
Zocalo: Spoiler-free Discussion of “Interludes and Examinations”
Once again, a seemingly throwaway title hides an episode with a lot of punch to it. Did you expect any of the events in this episode and what do you think about them?
Keep all comments to past and current events. Speculate but do not spoil.
Earhart’s: “Interludes and Examinations” Spoiler Space
So, a lot of characters take major steps in this episode. And there are consequences aplenty. A lot happened this episode. Here you can pull it all apart and talk about the aftershocks down the line.