Sheridan’s making plans, and he’s sacrificing future drug kingpins (oh, HI, Bryan Cranston!) to make them happen. How will those plans pan out? Let’s talk.
Tag Archives: spoilers
Earhart’s: “Falling Toward Apotheosis” Spoiler Space
Road trips to Narn, massing fleets, scheming captains–you’d think something’s about to happen.
Earhart’s: “The Summoning” Spoiler Space
Where did Lorien get that cool* ship after all? Howzabout Sheridan’s miraculous return and what that portends? Howzabout the future of the Shadow War? Spoil away in this thread.
(*) The management notes that “cool” is an entirely subjective term and that at least one** of the podcast hosts disagrees on the coolness of the ship.
(**) All right, it’s Chip.
Earhart’s: “Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?” Spoiler Space
Pop quiz, everyone: How much of this episode directly related to the title of this episode?
No prizes for the closest correct answer, but we’ll be impressed.
Earhart’s: “The Hour of the Wolf” Spoiler Space
Meet the megalomaniacal Cartagia and visit scenic Z’ha’dum! Again! That’s more scenic! ‘Cause there’s a new crater! And talk about where all this goes! Without spoiling the new viewers! Exclamation point!
Earhart’s: “Z’ha’dum” Spoiler Space
“If you go to Z’ha’dum, you will die.”
And take a lot of Shadows with him in the process?
Here is where we get to talk about everything that happens next.
Earhart’s: “Shadow Dancing” Spoiler Space
Anna’s back and just how much is Sheridan’s life going to turn upside down? Now that the League has started something, can they keep it together? And how long before Ivanova picks up the Minbari language? Talk about future events here!
Earhart’s: “And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place” Spoiler Space
As we bid a fond farewell to William Forward, and a not-so-fond one to Lord Refa, let’s talk about where Londo’s (and Sheridan and Delenn’s!) actions take them…
Earhart’s: “Grey 17 is Missing” Spoiler Space
Earhart’s: “War Without End” Spoiler Space
We think you might have a lot to talk about.