Category Archives: Zocalo: Spoiler-free

Zocalo: Spoiler-free Discussion of “Points of Departure”

At this point I am desperately hoping that there are at least a few of you who have never seen Babylon 5 before, are watching it for the first time, are stepping off at the spoiler jumpgate during the podcast, and had no idea what’s coming in this episode.

This thread is for you, as well as those who want to just talk about “Points of Departure” while smugly refusing to reveal the future.

Zocalo: Spoiler-free Discussion of “Chrysalis”

Your co-host Chip here with a confession: I have no memory of what it was like to watch this episode without knowing what was coming. So I really envy those of you who have never seen Babylon 5 before and are coming into “Chrysalis” cold, and would love to know what you thought of it. Ditto our veterans: what did you think of “Chrysalis” on its own merits, without any spoilers for future episodes? (I’m being a little over the top on spoiler-copping this one, because, yeah, there are some big things coming that spin off of this episode that people are blissfully unaware of!)