It’s the feel-good edition of Babylon 5, a cheery, positive, romp of an episode. Feel free to talk about “Believers” in the context of the rest of the series here.
Tag Archives: spoilers
Earhart’s: “Deathwalker” Spoiler Space
“Oh, don’t mind her, that’s just Na’Toth making friends again.”
Here’s your space to make friends with your fellow spoilerphiles and B5 veterans.
Earhart’s: “And the Sky Full of Stars” Spoiler Space
Back in the day, the community described certain B5 episodes as “WHAM!” episodes–eps that dramatically kicked the story arc in gear. Here’s our first, which you may discuss here with all of the spoilers and implications you desire: “And the Sky Full of Stars.”
Earhart’s: “The War Prayer” Spoiler Space
D.C. Fontana’s first episode of Babylon 5: What didja think?
Earhart’s: “Mind War” Spoiler Space
Give us your thoughts about this key introduction to the telepath arc! And tune in next week for our review and commentary on “Mind War” with special guest Andy Ihnatko from the Chicago Sun-Times, The Ihnatko Almanac and Macbreak Weekly.
Earhart’s: “The Parliament of Dreams” Spoiler Space
Any thoughts about “Parliament” and how it fits into the broader tapestry? Please avoid any tragic airlock accidents and leave your spoilery thoughts.
Earhart’s: “Infection” spoiler space
Have you recovered from your “Infection”…? There’s a fair bit of analogizing to, if not foreshadowing of, future plotlines in this episode–but how does it hold up? This thread is for all spoiler commentary on the episode, including after our podcast is released.
Earhart’s: “Born to the Purple” spoiler space
Please share your thoughts about “Born to the Purple” by Wednesday, June 25, and we may use them in the next podcast!
Earhart’s: “Soul Hunter” spoiler space
What did you think of “Soul Hunter” in the grand scheme of things? Do the early clues match up to the later revelations? If you leave your comment by Friday, we may respond to it when we record the podcast!
Earhart’s: Spoiler space for “Midnight on the Firing Line”
What did you see in “Midnight” that resonated five years later at the close of the series? Here’s your space. The spoo is fresh. Spoilers are permitted.