Road trips to Narn, massing fleets, scheming captains–you’d think something’s about to happen.
Episode 68: “The Summoning”
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Sheridan summons, Garibaldi shrink-wraps, Marcus confesses, Ivanova discovers, Delenn reunites, G’Kar screams, Vir threatens, Cartagia washes, Zack retrieves, Lyta confronts, Kosh abuses, Londo waits. Bit of a day.
Zocalo: Spoiler-free Discussion of “The Summoning”
All right, all right, we apologize. It’s not a story about Sheridan receiving a jury summons after all. Hey! No spoilers!
Earhart’s: “The Summoning” Spoiler Space
Where did Lorien get that cool* ship after all? Howzabout Sheridan’s miraculous return and what that portends? Howzabout the future of the Shadow War? Spoil away in this thread.
(*) The management notes that “cool” is an entirely subjective term and that at least one** of the podcast hosts disagrees on the coolness of the ship.
(**) All right, it’s Chip.
Episode 67: “Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?”
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OK, so a lot of stuff happens in this not-very-eponymous episode! We find out a bit more about whatever happened to Sheridan, Delenn prepares to go to war, G’Kar trips up, Londo offers a deal, and we learn very little about whatever happened to Mr. Garibaldi. We delve into why Season 4 feels different this time and who’s more insufferable: Lorien or Kosh.
Zocalo: Spoiler-free Discussion of “Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?”
Let’s talk about fireside chats, bargains struck in jail cells, and the healing power of personal logs, shall we?
Earhart’s: “Whatever Happened to Mr. Garibaldi?” Spoiler Space
Pop quiz, everyone: How much of this episode directly related to the title of this episode?
No prizes for the closest correct answer, but we’ll be impressed.
Episode 66: “The Hour of the Wolf”
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You only just missed a song parody from Chip on this one, but hey, time was short and the songs from Rio aren’t exactly Creative Commons. You will, however, get some excitement over the new titles, a rescue attempt from our Big Damn (Lady) Heroes, a madman on the throne with really small ha– hair, and, of course, the mystery of who that weird guy with Sheridan is…
Zocalo: Spoiler-free Discussion of “The Hour of the Wolf”
Does this feel like a departure from or continuation of Season 3? Is this a deceptively calm episode or a relentless acceleration of the plot? (Podcast spoiler: We’ll take on these burning questions on the next episode!) Oh, and don’t spoil future episodes in this thread or we’ll sic the Egyptian God of Frustration on you.
Earhart’s: “The Hour of the Wolf” Spoiler Space
Meet the megalomaniacal Cartagia and visit scenic Z’ha’dum! Again! That’s more scenic! ‘Cause there’s a new crater! And talk about where all this goes! Without spoiling the new viewers! Exclamation point!