Welcome to one of the most devastating episodes of Babylon 5, to yet another turning point, and to our Control Group–with us once again–one Steven Schapansky!
To quote Chip in the episode: “Third season finale spectacular!”
What did you think about having such a massive cliffhanger for ending a season, especially given that at the time the next season was not guaranteed? What worked for you? What didn’t? Pull apart this episode and everything that has led us here in this space.
We present a podcast within a podcast, a new addition to The Incomparable Network: Steven Schapansky’s “Vejar or Not”. (The preceding sentence is a complete lie.) We celebrate the outstanding work of Foundation Imaging in the mother of all space battles, of Richard Biggs in the mother of all split-screen performances, and of Laura Ingalls Wilder after a fashion. Plus outtakes!
Anna’s back and just how much is Sheridan’s life going to turn upside down? Now that the League has started something, can they keep it together? And how long before Ivanova picks up the Minbari language? Talk about future events here!
In this episode: we talk about one of the most delicious/creepy comeuppances in science fiction television history, Erika makes a hip-hop reference that is one letter away from being brilliant, and pause to remember all the poor crew on the White Star shifting uncomfortably just off-screen.
No spoiler space ’round here (round here)
There’s no spoiler space ’round here (round here)
You may want to spill ’bout Season 4
But the mod said use that thread next door
There’s no spoiler space ’round here (round here)
As we bid a fond farewell to William Forward, and a not-so-fond one to Lord Refa, let’s talk about where Londo’s (and Sheridan and Delenn’s!) actions take them…
One or more of your co-hosts buck the Received Fan Wisdom about Grey 17, the Zarg, and Freddy Kreuger. One or more of your co-hosts vow to do a Phantom Edit of the episode. Find out who! (There is also an unsurprising amount of Neroon admiration within this podcast.)