Stephen Franklin begins his “Walkabout” in this episode. Where is it going? How is New Kosh like New Coke (an ancient B5 joke that Chip is even embarrassed to bring up)? Any hints to Lyta’s future in this episode? Spoil away here.
Tag Archives: spoilers
Earhart’s: “Interludes and Examinations” Spoiler Space
So, a lot of characters take major steps in this episode. And there are consequences aplenty. A lot happened this episode. Here you can pull it all apart and talk about the aftershocks down the line.
Earhart’s: “Ship of Tears” Spoiler Space
“We have a weapon!”
Great, but how well is it deployed? Discuss the telepath revelation and other burning questions with all the spoilers here.
Earhart’s: “Sic Transit Vir” Spoiler Space
It’s time to discuss all of the heavy arc stuff in this episode, such as: “What kind of a name is Lyndisty?”
Earhart’s: “A Late Delivery from Avalon” Spoiler Space
We learn a little something new about the Earth-Minbari War. What did we learn for future episodes of Babylon 5? And will we ever see that postmaster again?
Earhart’s: “Ceremonies of Light and Dark” Spoiler Space
Amid the chaos…a costume! (Or four.)
(Bonus points if you get the reference. Hint: It was also a black costume. Oh, and keep your spoilers here rather than the other place.)
Earhart’s: “Severed Dreams” Spoiler Space
David Sheridan: What was the first lesson I ever taught you?
John Sheridan: Never start a fight, but always finish it.
(Keep your spoilers here!)
Earhart’s: “Point of No Return” Spoiler Space
Please feel free to discuss how this Nu Shooz video affects future episodes of Babylon 5.
Earhart’s: “Exogenesis” Spoiler Space
How does “Exogenesis” affect–or how should it have affected–future episodes of Babylon 5? Let us please discuss that here in the spoiler space!