As if nearly being assassinated on the eve of his inauguration wasn’t bad enough, Interstellar Alliance President John Sheridan now has to pull off the impossible and convince everyone to sign the declaration of independence principles even as G’Kar continues to edit the darn thing. And Lyta meets the new telepaths.
Chat about how these things shake out later in the season here.
It’s the second episode of a brand new season with a brand new status quo, so what do you do? Ignore all the new people and new situations, and do a character study about alllll of the bad decisions one man made over four years. It’s Londo’s “Come to Jesus moment” paired with Lennier’s “I’m off to the Foreign Legion” moment, in the most surreal episode yet of Babylon 5.
We have possibly set a record for the longest blog post title on
But hey! Londo’s crisis was as serious as a heart attack! What’d you think of that, and of Lennier’s departure? Leave the spoilers in the other thread, please…
Somewhat to their surprise, the cast and crew and showrunner got their fifth season. But to quote some guy way back in the first, “Nothing’s the same anymore.” Sheridan’s wearing a suit, not a uniform. Ivanova’s gone. There’s a new face in the command center wearing a regulation Earthforce uniform. And then there’s Byron. Welcome to the TNT year of Babylon 5!
The season that JMS and crew never thought would arrive arrived. Let us know what you think of the kickoff to Babylon 5‘s final year. Spoilers to the left, please.
Creepy Cthulhu aliens from beyond Firstspace and Secondspace! This Untold Tale of Babylon 5 was produced after the fourth season when they had no hint there would be a fifth. Is this a better “movie” than “In the Beginning”? Does it actually fit into Season 4’s continuity? Where the deuce has Deuce been all this time? We answer all of your questions–except that last one. Next up: Season 5!
As part of the move to TNT, a couple of B5 TV movies happened. This is the one that didn’t crib chunks of its footage from previous episodes. This is the one that supposedly took place during Season 4, but has a lot of character and plot development that sometimes doesn’t gel.
In other words, retcons are rarely seamless and they shouldn’t have renumbered the Narnia books. Thrash it all out, past and future, here.