The Markab people are a proud people with a rich heritage. Let us discuss how they will influence the future of the Babylon 5 universe (ahem). And any other spoilery topics.
Tag Archives: spoilers
Earhart’s: “In the Shadow of Z’ha’dum” Spoiler Space
Yes, we can now say “Shadows” in the podcast when talking about our sparkly crab ships. But what else does this episode kick-start that pays off down the line? Talk about all the future implications here.
Earhart’s: “Knives” Spoiler Space
Londo’s slide continues and Sheridan picks up a hitchhiker. Where is this going and what does it all mean? Spoil away!
Earhart’s: “And Now for a Word” Spoiler Space
Talk about the spoilers, from the sponsors to the security cameras…
Earhart’s: “There All the Honor Lies” Spoiler Space
Nerdy trivia note: “Death first!” was a battlecry cropping up in a lot of Peter David fiction around the time “There All the Honor Lies” aired.
Spoiler comments ahoy!
Earhart’s: “Hunter, Prey” Spoiler Space
The Prime Time Entertainment Network reran “Hunter, Prey” approximately 597 times.
So you can probably discuss this episode and its future implications from memory.
Earhart’s: “Acts of Sacrifice” Spoiler Space
Your humble podcast hosts decided as they recorded the episode that this wasn’t so much a setup episode as a payoff episode, so not a lot of spoilery stuff this time around. Were we right? Talk about “Acts of Sacrifice” in the context of future episodes here!
Earhart’s: “All Alone in the Night” Spoiler Space
Sheridan flies a plane. Sheridan meets a Narn. Delenn has a meeting. Sheridan has a meeting. Yup, just a run of the mill day on Babylon 5 with absolutely no implications for the rest of the series.
Earhart’s: “GROPOS” Spoiler Space
It’s a slice of life and character study episode, like we’ve had many times already in B5, only it’s in the shadow (ahem) of “The Coming of Shadows.” Whaddaya think about “GROPOS” and how does it fit into the five-year arc?
Earhart’s: “The Coming of Shadows” Spoiler Space
Enough said.