All posts by Chip

Episode 106: “Movements of Fire and Shadow”

All year long, Sheridan and Delenn have been trying to pull together a historic political alliance. They’ve been contending with not only the forces of history, but the fundamental forces of people. In “Movements of Fire and Shadow” it all comes to a head. Boom today, and the promise of more booms tomorrow….

Episode 101: “Day of the Dead”

B5AG guest and Radio Free Skaro host
Steven Schapansky

The legendary Neil Gaiman made his American television debut writing the only episode of B5 not authored by Joe Straczynski since late Season 2. Was this mystical character piece too much of a departure from the “house style”? What the heck was Morden doing in Lennier’s quarters? We bring back the Space Mob’s biggest fan, first-time B5 watcher Steven Schapansky, for a fresh look at a story by a pre-American Gods and Coraline storyteller.